The Game

Riders Republic

Discover the massive multiplayer world of Riders Republic! Prepare your skis, your snowboard, your bike or your wingsuit and explore the open-world sports paradise where you make the rules… or break them.


Riders Republic

Discover the massive multiplayer world of Riders Republic! Prepare your skis, your snowboard, your bike, or your wingsuit and explore the open world sports paradise where you make the rules… or break them.

  • Join has more than 50 players simultaneously in a massive multiplayer world.
  • Compete in colossal all-out races: crash, grind, and fight your way to the finish line
  • Customize your character so that both your friends and the competors see your great style.
  • Catch sponsors’ attention by participating in prestigious events.
  • Bike, ski, snowboard or wingsuits come in a huge variety of modes, from stunt challenges to fast-paced races.
  • Go crazy in the most iconic national parks of the United States like Yosemite, Zion, and Bryce Canyon.

Informace o hře

  • Název: Riders Republic

  • Kategorie:

  • Tags:

  • Vývojář: Ubisoft Annecy, Ubisoft Belgrade, Ubisoft Kyiv, Ubisoft Pune, Ubisoft Odesa

  • Vydavatel: Ubisoft (0)


Rozhraní Hlasy Titulky

Požadavky na systém


  • OS: Windows 10 (64 bit only)

  • CPU: Intel i5-4460 / AMD Ryzen 5 1400

  • RAM: 8 GB

  • GC: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 (4GB) / AMD RX 470 (4 GB)

  • HDD: 20 GB


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