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In order to play you need to download the IDC Games launcher and join our community.


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Download and install your favourite games

The IDC Games launcher is a program that unifies all IDC Games videogames on your computer. It's your meeting point. You can only download and install the best games through the IDC Games launcher.

Your games updated instantly

All the games installed using the launcher will be updated automatically. You'll always be up to date.

Exclusive content

Stay tuned about the latest events in your favourite games and don't miss on tutorials, gameplays, wallpapers and exclusive DLCs — all without leaving the IDC Games launcher.


We know that the IDC community is global — that's why our launcher is available in 17 languages, so you can play from anywhere in the world.

What are you waiting for?

Join the more than 4 million players that are already part of the IDC Games community.

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